
Why Do We Need Trees?


We all know that trees help us to sustain the life of humans on this planet.  Without trees to recycle our carbon dioxide back into oxygen, we would be no more than just a distant memory.  

Even though everyone that has more than a fourth grade education knows this to be true, all around the world, deforestation is now more of a major concern than ever before.


Of course, with an ever increasing population in just about every country, one of the harsh realities is that we need to continue clearing land and making way for development to accommodate people into new home, plus also the development of further infrastructure.


In some countries, they are very conscious of the issues surrounding the decline in the number of trees on the earth.  The forward thinking countries of the world will often have programs in place to combat the issue, where they will make private enterprises replant trees in the cases where they have removed or destroyed trees to make way for development of residential and commercial neighbourhoods.


This is of course the most responsible avenue to allow continued development yet also continue to be environmentally responsible.

why we need trees
